пятница, 10 мая 2013 г.


Today two my first swaps started!
The first is a photo-one. I have already made some photos from yesterday Day of Victory celebration and sent them to print-office. So hope on Monday or Tuesday I`ll send my photos to USA :) Swap-bot swap: Pictures of a day in the life of
I swap with Swap-bot!
And the second one is called "A letter, a postcard and a teabag". I was searching for the good teabags made in Russia and it was difficult because in Russia they love to call everything with foreighn names and you never know if it is our tea or made in UK for example. But I found! it is really good, but as always has not Russian name, but French. But anyway hope the receiver will like it. The second receiver is from USA too.

2 комментария:

  1. I love swap-bot. My favorite thing to swap are photos. How about you? art3osb @ swap-bot

  2. Now I don`t know what is favorite for me, because I have received nothing myself yet, because of slow Russian post, but if we talk about sending: small packages are my favorite type of swap!
