воскресенье, 14 апреля 2013 г.


I`m really happy to have an opportunity to find out new people for exchanging postcards and letters.
Postcrossing was the first project where I got address through Internet, but then I joined sendsomething.net and bookcrossig.com.
Three ways of sharing things through mail: postcards, letters and books. What a joy!

I am:

Postcrossing made me postcards-addicted and now I`m searching for the great ones everywhere:

I like to send potcards from my journeys to my friends and to myself. And now some of my friends started to follow my example and send me postcards, for example this prove-photo of sending me letter from Ukranian trip:

The sad thing is that for the reason I don`t know postmen don`t really like to bring post to my area, so in the best case I get mail once in three-four days, but my mailbox is overfilled. But as for me it is much more pleasant t get one day a day then lots of them after several days without news.
My last postcrossing incomings:

And today I have prepared only one outcoming letter for the girl whose address I got as a random search on sendsomething.net. 

But three of my travelling 22 postcards via postrossing have reached their destinations so I can send more postcards as well :)

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