суббота, 3 августа 2013 г.


Today is a sunny day and I have something to send and something to find in my mailbox :)
Happy weekend to everyone!

6 комментариев:

  1. Aw I have that matryoshka postcard! I collect postcards with those adorable wooden dolls haha, I must have tons of them now. Nice to meet you btw, this is Claudia from Spain! :)

    1. hello Claudia! Nice to meet you too!
      Wow! You are the first person I meet collecting matryoshka`s postcards! Wish I could have a look at it... :)

  2. Ohhh I love the matryoshka postcard, I have to say the same for the mail stamp postcard and the other with the pink volkswaguen :D Did you saw your letter in my blog? is here :D

    1. Dear Yina!
      I saw your post just yesterday and wanted to write you long answer in Spanish,but it still takes me lots of time to write properly in Spanish, and I decided to write you this evening when I have more time. Hugs!
      Write you soon!
